Last week, Google finally released the Channel API [1, 2] for Google App Engine. It has been available to developers for six months [3], but not on actual app engine for production. I had built a few video conferencing and text chat applications [4, 5] using Flash VideoIO project [6] on Google App Engine. Earlier, I had to use Ajax/polling technique to get events related to chat and user list. In the last couple of days, I modified those applications to use the asynchronous event notifications using the Channel API. More text from [6] follows:
"Random-Face [4]: This is a chatroulette-type application built using the Flash VideoIO component on Adobe Stratus service and Python-based Google App Engine. ... You can view the source code of two files, index.html that renders the front end user interface and that forms the back-end service."
"Public-Chat [5]: This is a multi-party audio, video and text chat application built on top of Python-based Google App Engine and using Channel API for asynchronous instant messaging and presence. ... Developers can see the source code files: index.html is the front-end user interface, webtalk.js is the client side Javascript to do signaling, and is the back-end service code."
The Channel API essentially implements an XMPP-style asynchronous communication from your server to the Javascript client. I use this to implement notifications for new messages, change in user list, and update of user video session to other participants in the system.
Sorry, Theory is all good, it will be helpful if you provide actual samples. I see all theory across the blog.
Not sure what makes you think that it (Implementing video conferencing and text chat using Channel API) is only theory :) Please see the Flash VideoIO example applications on how I used channel API for various projects such as public-chat, random-face, video-office). The source code of the examples are checked in.
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